Membership Records
How to Update Your Membership Record
The following screenshots can assist you In updating your membership record.
In an effort to reach as many members as possible electronically we are requesting that you consider sharing an active email address that you check on a regular basis and your cell phone number If you have one and can receive text (SMS) messages. In addition to sharing your cell phone number, we are requesting that you opt-In to receive alert text messages via the "Remind" service that the ward uses. Please see our Announcements and Notifications page for more Information about our Remind service. You can opt-In to the Remind service by simply texting @wardalerts" to 81010. After you send your initial text to opt-in, it will ask for your name and whether you're a student, parent, or teacher. Please select student.
It can be helpful If you are also willing to share a picture of yourself as part of your membership record. That Is also covered In the screenshots below.
You start the process by go to and signing In. A user account Is required. If you do not already have a church user account, you can create one by go here.
If you need assistance, you can contact Bill Haynes, Ward Communications Specialist, at Our Ward Clerk, Lester Caudill, and our Ward Membership Clerk, Seth Spencer, can also help you with updating your membership record.
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This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.