Welfare and Self-Reliance
Welfare Related Sub-Pages:
Self-Reliances Resources
Henrico County Real Estate Advantage Program - REAP
Please see the flyer below for details about Henrico's REAP program to help people who qualify real estate tax relief.
Self-Reliance Initiative
The Lord has declared, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints” (D&C 104:15). This revelation is a promise from the Lord that He will provide temporal blessings and open the door of self-reliance, which is the ability for us to provide the necessities of life for ourselves and our family members. Click on the graphic to the left to get a description.
Self-reliance is defined as “the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family. As members become self-reliant, they are also better able to serve and care for others." Three key teachings can help us understand how to lead self-reliant lives:
First, self-reliance is an essential commandment in the plan of salvation. President Spencer W. Kimball taught: “The Church and its members are commanded by the Lord to be self-reliant and independent. (See D&C 78:13–14.) The responsibility for each person’s social, emotional, spiritual, physical, or economic well-being rests first upon himself, second upon his family, and third upon the Church if he is a faithful member thereof” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 116).
Second, God can and will provide a way for His righteous children to become self-reliant. “And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine” (D&C 104:15).
Third, all things, including temporal concerns, are spiritual matters to God (see D&C 29:34). As we commit to living the gospel more fully, we can become more self-reliant both temporally and spiritually. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught:
“The two great commandments—to love God and our neighbor—are a joining of the temporal and the spiritual. . . . Like two sides of a coin, the temporal and spiritual are inseparable” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Providing in the Lord’s Way,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 53).
Some of the gospel principles that can help us be more self-reliant include increasing faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, becoming more obedient, repenting of our mistakes, using our agency righteously, and serving others. For more information, refer to the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
Self-Reliance Facebook Page here:
Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2023
Click Here to view or download a copy of the Church's Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2023.
Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2022
Click Here to view or download a copy of the Church's Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2022.
Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2021
Click Here to view or download a copy of the Church's Caring For Those In Need Annual Report for 2021.
Self-Reliance Services on the web:
An overview video of the Self-Reliance Initiative can be viewed on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j1GZrxsFD4
Learn more here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance?lang=eng
Learn about being a Group Member here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/group-members?lang=eng
RVA Stake's Self-Reliance Resource Center (Sign in as rvaguest@mavsr.org with the password RVAStake47). The password is case sensitive.
Regional Self-Reliance Resource Center (Sign in as guest@mavsr.org with the password Pioneer47). The password is case sensitive.
Start with a Self-Reliance Plan, get the form here and the Bishop's form here.
See also, our Ministering Support Resources page
The following manuals and course books are available in the Self-Reliance Initiative:
The books below can be found in the LDS Library app under "Life Help." The self-reliance books are then under "Self-Reliance" and EnglishConnect are found under "English Learning." The Library can also be found on line at https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study?lang=eng. Click on the picture to get more information on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org website.
Start Here
Stakes or wards hold regular My Path to Self-Reliance devotionals. These devotionals start members on the path to self-reliance by helping them understand the importance of self-reliance, assess their current level of self-reliance, determine the skills and income needed to become temporally self-reliant, and select the self-reliance group that will help them reach that goal. The My Path to Self-Reliance workbook facilitates this process. My Path to Self-Reliance can also be used individually, with a priesthood leader, with a self-reliance specialist, or in a self-reliance center.
For those who need additional education or training to get a job. Group members will research, create, and present career and education plans. They will also spend time each week practicing skills that will help them be more effective learners. This workbook includes the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
EnglishConnect brings together English language learners, instructors, volunteers, and Church leaders to create an English learning program for all of God‘s children. The program includes both face-to-face and online courses that also provide opportunities to learn more about the Church if learners choose to do so.
EnglishConnect 1 and 2 courses are taught by members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and administered under the direction of local Church leaders. Conversation classes are held weekly, usually at a local meetinghouse. Course materials are available online or in print format.
Looking for a Job
For those who are looking for work or a better job. Group members will learn to identify opportunities, network, present themselves professionally, and prepare for job interviews. They will also set goals for contacts and interviews. This workbook includes the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
Managing Money
For those who want better control over their finances. Group members will learn how to eliminate debt, protect against financial hardship, and invest in the future. They will create a financial plan and follow a budget. Spouses are encouraged to attend together. This workbook includes the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
Start or Grow a Business
This self-reliance group will help you learn to make wise business decisions as you start or grow a business. The goal of this group is not only to help you with your business; it is also to help you act in greater obedience and faith in the Lord and receive His promised blessings of temporal and spiritual self-reliance. Members learn key business skills such as identifying customer needs, finding customers, and keeping good business records. This workbook includes the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
Emotional Health
This 10 week course was designed to educate members to better deal with change, develop healthy thinking patterns, learn skills to better manage stress, anxiety, depression, and anger, develop healthy relationships, and provide strength to others, all while building greater faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Youth & Young Adults
For older youth and young single adults, Life Skills for Self-Reliance contains the most applicable content from three self-reliance manuals (Personal Finances, Find a Better Job, and Education for Better Work). This group helps participants research career and education opportunities, find and obtain employment, and learn how to manage their money. It will prepare them for missions, future education, military service, and work after high school. This manual also includes the booklet My Foundation for Self-Reliance.
The course videos are also available in a Microsoft OneDrive cloud folder to help facilitate downloading. You can download individual files or complete folders. The videos have been named with leading numbers that indicate the chapter number and then a video number so that they appear in the order that matches the course books. The Self-Reliance Initiative overview video is also included in each course folder as video number 00.
Contact Information:
Please go to www.churchofjesuschrist.org and Sign In for complete membership directory and Ward/Stake calendar. You can ask the Ward CLerk to print a Ward Directory for church use. You can also use the Tools mobile app. A user account is required. If you do not already have a church user account, you can create one by going here.
Welfare and Self-Reliances Leaders
Ward Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialist
Natali Wein
Ward Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialist
Ben Brockbank
Ward Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialist
Anna Robbins
Ward Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialist for Preparedness:
Sister Lynne Davidson
Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Leader
Brother Wayne Hardiman (Chickahominy)
Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialists
Laurie Ogden (Chickahominy)
Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialists
Brian Banks (Scotchtown)
Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialists
Carol Johnson (Gayton)
Stake High Councilman Over Self-Reliance
Brother Daniel Hayes (Innsbrook Ward)
Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Group Facilitators:
Sister Jane Kneebone (Chickahominy Ward)
Brother Brian Banks (Scotchtown Ward)
Sister Carol Johnson (Gayton Ward)
Regional Welfare and Self-Reliance Manager
Steve Greenhalgh
Regional Manager
Welfare and Self Reliance Services
(703) 627-0036
Additional Resources for Facilitators
An overview video of the Self-Reliance Initiative can be viewed on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j1GZrxsFD4.
Self-reliance groups are not led by a teacher but are directed by a facilitator. Facilitators do not lecture but rather guide and invite all group members to participate. Facilitators are called to create an environment where the Holy Ghost can teach participants “all things what [they] should do” (2 Nephi 32:5; see also 2 Nephi 32:3).
Some training videos can be found at https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance?lang=eng. Particularly check out "Are you a facilitator?". A training module on Running an Effective Self-Reliance Group Meeting can be found at https://courses.churchofjesuschrist.org/login/srs/01%20English/04%20Facilitator%20Groups/index.html?lang=eng#page1.
Some additional videos that we encourage you to watch include:
The course videos are also available in a Microsoft OneDrive cloud folder to help facilitate downloading. You can download individual files or complete folders. The videos have been named with leading numbers that indicate the chapter number and then a video number so that they appear in the order that matches the course books. The Self-Reliance Initiative overview video is also included in each course folder as video number 00.
SRS Group Meeting "Ground Rules" Examples
Meetings will start and end on time, no “Mormon” “LDS” Standard Time.
Dress is casual but modest.
The Group needs to be a safe place so what is shared with the Group stays with the Group.
The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Participants will take turns helping the facilitator setup and breakdown the meeting room.
No bad language.
No negative stories about anyone.
Everyone participates.
No one dominates a discussion.
Keep personal experiences positive.
Everyone will take a turn serving as the time keeper.
Everyone should be willing to facilitate if the facilitator has to miss a Group meeting.
When the facilitator says it's time to move on, everyone does so.
Everyone make commitments as prescribed in the course book.
Everyone will do the “homework” skill building.
Everyone reports on their commitments and skills practice.
Everyone serves as an action partner.
Everyone will teach their family and/or friends the 12 doctrinal foundation lessons.
Everyone will try their best to attend all 12 Group meetings .
Participants must attend at least 10 of the 12 Group meetings to receive their certificate.
Participants of the SGMB must attend at least 10 of the 12 Group meetings to receive their additional certificate.
Group meetings are only canceled for unsafe inclement weather and makes up the meeting as soon as possible.
The Group decides if they want snacks and/or drinks (water) and how they will be provided. May decide that anyone can bring personal snacks and/or water if desired but no group provided items for the whole Group.
Facilitation Checklists
Ask the stake self-reliance specialist to give you enough workbooks for everyone who signed up plus two additional copies.
Briefly review content.
Have a group member facilitate if you will be absent.
Call or text group members to remind them of the date, time, and place.
Download videos at srs.lds.org or on the Microsoft OneDrive. You cannot count on the WiFI in our church buildings.
Have a laptop computer or tablet to show the videos and make sure they are working.
Arrive early to properly set up the chairs, tables, and videos. Set tables so group can sit in a circle with the facilitator part of the group rather than at the head of the table or standing up. Ask a Group member to come early to help you and to give you some one-on-one time with that Group member.
Have pens and pencils for people who forgot to bring their own.
Get to know and love group members.
Prepare a lesson.
Cancel any meetings if you cannot attend.
Forget to download the videos and have the computer equipment ready.
Greet group members warmly and get to know them.
Start on time. Assign a timekeeper to manage the suggested times.
Encourage discussion among the group. Help all comments be positive and relevant. Remind group members to respect confidential information.
Encourage group participation.
Recognize and applaud their accomplishments and progress.
Be part of the group. Make, keep, and report on your own commitments.
Have fun, let the Lord guide you.
Trust and follow the manual. Follow the standard agenda: report, foundation, learn, ponder, commit, and act. Follow prompts: 2-4 minutes for discuss, 2-3 minutes for ponder, 5 minutes for activity.
Focus on commitments, actions, and results. Emphasize acting on commitments between meetings.
Make sure Action Partners are selected.
Teach or act as the expert.
Speak more than others and answer every question.
Be the center of attention.
Stand up.
Permit negativity or unrelated comments.
Allow group members to not report their progress.
Contact and encourage members during the week between meetings.
Encourage action partners to contact and help each other during the week.
Evaluate yourself using Facilitator Self-Assessment. The form, "Facilitator Self-Assessment", can be found here.
Each week keep attendance however you desire. Group members must attend at least 10 of the 12 weeks to earn a certificate.
You can let someone make up the work at your own discretion.
Prayerfully review the materials for the next group meeting.
Prepare spiritually and act upon promptings you receive.
Visit srs.lds.org/report after the first and final group meetings for registration, reporting, and certificates. View the videos below for help.
Forget your self-evaluation
Videos to help with SRS.LDS.ORG/REPORT
Registering group members after the first group meeting video.
Final group meeting reporting and request of certificates video.
Thank you for your important service with the self-reliance initiative. We want to uplift and inspire others by sharing the real-life experiences of those who have served in the self-reliance initiative. We feel that you have something to share. Will you take a few minutes to share your story with others?
Share your story by visiting srs.lds.org/story to share on the church self-reliance website.
This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.